Welcome to Kerrs Creek Wind Farm

A new wind farm project in Australia 


Blowing Away the Myths

Click on the image above to download the full document. 

September 2024

RES is continuing to engage with neighbours and our consultants are undertaking additional spring ecology surveys.

For this reason and the review of the NSW Planning Guidance: Wind Farms, RES is now planning for submission of the EIS in Q1 2025.

To coincide with this project milestone, we will plan to host another community information session in Q1 2025.

Community sponsorships

RES is sponsoring three exciting community events coming up this year:

  • Cumnock General Store 'SHOP'TOBERFEST 12 October
  • Molong Golf Club Open (Major Sponsor) - 26 - 27 October
  • Australian Disc Golf Championships hosted by the Central West Disc Golf Club at Molong from 22 November to 1 December.

Please reach out to us about potential sponsorship opportunities.

August 2024

Please click on the below image to view the summary of community information sessions. 

To view the project information presented at the recent community information sessions, please click on the below links.

To view and download the KCWF Community Information Session PowerPoint slides, please click on the image below. 

July 2024

Please click the below image to view the latest project newsletter.


May 2024

The May update includes more information about the landscape and visual impact assessment and preliminary results from the social impact assessment online surveys.

Landscape and visual impact assessment

In accordance with NSW Government requirements, as part of the preparation of the development application and environmental impact assessment for the project a Visual Impact Assessment (VIA) is being prepared. This assessment is being undertaken by Moir Landscape Architecture Pty Ltd. The VIA will assess the potential visual impacts associated with the project.

The VIA will be prepared and assessed by the NSW Government in accordance with the guidelines within the NSW Wind Energy: Visual Assessment Bulletin for State significant wind energy development (NSW Government, 2016). The final VIA will apply a range of methodologies to generate comparisons of visual impact including zone of visual influence modelling, wireframe diagram analysis from representative dwelling locations, and preparation of photomontages from key public viewpoint locations. These methodologies and key outputs will be made available for public review and comment as part of public consultation on the environmental impact statement.

Prior to finalising the wind farm layout, RES is reaching out to engage directly with neighbours, with the initial focus being on those neighbours identified as having a moderate or higher visual magnitude rating. We will be talking to neighbours about the mitigation options that can be applied within the project site, as well potential mitigation options at visual receptors, including support for landscaping or other neighbour agreements. In some cases, this could involve the negotiation of impact agreements with neighbouring landholders, where a payment or other mitigation support, such as landscaping or screening can be agreed between the parties. 

Social impact assessment – summary of survey results

In March and April 2024, RES provided a project update to over 34,000 people and encouraged the community and local businesses to complete online surveys to inform the social impact assessment. The survey was distributed to localities in the region identified in the Scoping Report where social and economic benefits and impacts of the Project will be experienced. 

The online surveys were open for 8 weeks from 12 March to 5 May 2024 and promoted via email (131 recipients), project newsletter mailout (34k newsletters distributed) and project website (79 views).

In total 90 responses were received to the surveys. 77 responses were received from the community and 13 from local businesses. 36% of community responses were from project neighbours (within 10km of the project site) and 41% were from community residents (more than 20km from the project site).

Respondents covered all age brackets from 20-89 years.

Half of community respondents generate an income from their property, such as primary producers.

The survey outcomes revealed a diverse mix of community sentiment for the Project with the survey identifying both supporters, objectors and those who were neutral or had some concerns they would like to see addressed. More than a quarter of survey respondents support the proposed facility (27%), 60 per cent do not support the proposed Project, while 13% were either neutral or listed some concerns.

The community told us in the online survey that the most valued community characteristics were natural environment, followed by social cohesion and interaction then safety and security.

A range of positive and negative impacts were identified by the community and local businesses. These are being assessed as part of the Social Impact Assessment. More detail about the results of the survey, potential benefit and impacts and how the Project will mitigate impacts will be available in our Environmental Impact Statement submission to the NSW Government later this year.

Anonymous verbatim comments from survey respondents, representative of both positive and negative impacts:

Employment opportunities, community benefits, extra facilities for kids to entertain themselves, enhance RFS and extra biosecurity for the community.

Devaluation of property value. Destruction of prime agricultural land.

Increased renewable energy is a positive for the whole country to reduce our environmental impacts, and having it located in our area should result in positive economic impacts as well through job opportunities and funds going towards the local community.

Impact on local visual amenity. Road pavement and access impacts.

March 2024

Please click the below image to view the latest project newsletter.

February 2024

This update was sent out via email to community members who have registered to receive email updates about the project. To see the latest project information, and to sign up to our email distribution list, please visit: kerrscreek-renewableenergy.com/contact-us/

Euchareena community meeting

Thank you to the Euchareena community for organising and inviting RES to attend the meeting on 30 January with Dubbo Regional Council to talk about the Kerrs Creek project. This meeting focused on the opportunities arising from a Voluntary Planning Agreement (VPA) with the Dubbo Regional Council and how the local community would want to see that money allocated towards local priorities.

A VPA is an agreement between a developer and Council where a developer pays a monetary contribution or delivers a material public benefit for items such as:

  • Public amenities or services
  • Affordable housing
  • Transport or other infrastructure

A key takeaway from the feedback was the desire to ensure that any community funds were spent locally, near the project. If you weren’t able to attend, please see attached the presentations that were provided by both RES and Council. On the back of this meeting, RES will be kicking off detailed discussions with Council about the terms of the VPA. Once the terms of a draft agreement are in place, Council has committed to a further community engagement specifically focusing on the VPA.

Project design and development application update

In response to ongoing community feedback, RES are currently reviewing the design of the wind farm prior to the submission of a planning application and environmental impact statement in coming months. This will include a reduction in overall turbine tip height to 254m (from 280m) and review of turbine layout to help minimise visual impacts, reduce impacts to sensitive environmental areas and reduce construction impacts through reductions in required cut/fill for roads and infrastructure.

The ongoing design work means that there will be a delay in our previously anticipated March 2024 submission of a development application to the NSW Government. Once we have a revised estimate, we’ll send out a project update to this mailing list and update the project’s website.

The outcomes of ongoing assessments will be discussed in detail to impacted project neighbours and will be made available to the community for feedback prior to submission of the development application. RES will be hosting additional community information sessions within Cabonne and Dubbo Shires prior to the submission of the planning application to the NSW Government. 

Question…why are wind turbines getting larger?

A question the RES team has been asked quite a few times is ‘why are wind turbines getting larger?’.

Globally wind turbines have been getting larger as, at higher altitudes, wind speeds are typically stronger and more consistent. Additionally, larger turbines allow for longer blades, which further enhances their ability to capture wind energy. This trend towards bigger turbines helps to reduce the cost of energy production.

While it's true that larger wind turbines generally produce more energy, it doesn't necessarily mean they produce more noise. In fact, advancements in turbine design and technology have enabled manufacturers to mitigate noise levels even as turbines increase in size. This is due to improvements in aerodynamics, lower rotations speeds in larger versus smaller turbines and application of noise reduction technologies.

Click on the image below to download the Draft Planning Agreement.

Click on the image below to download the Project Update document. 

November 2023

We would like to thank everyone who came out to discuss the project with us at the November Information Session. Click the below image to view the Summary document and FAQ's from the day.

October 2023

To view the project details submitted to DPE follow the link below: https://www.planningportal.nsw.gov.au/major-projects/projects/kerrs-creek-wind-farm

February 2023

We would like to thank everyone who came out to discuss the project with us at the January information session.

Click on the image below to download the newsletter.

January 2023

Come meet the RES Project Team at Euchareena Hall, Nubrigyn St, Euchareena:

Monday 23 January 2023 : 2pm – 7pm

  • Inform the community of the updated proposed project details
  • Obtain feedback on the predicted project impacts
  • Discuss how the project can provide lasting benefits to the local community

The information sessions are not formal presentations but an open-house format. Please call in at a time that suits you. We will have project information on display and key project team members in attendance to answer any questions you may have.

October 2022

RES is pleased to advise that the Development Application for the Project is now underway, following the signing of  land agreements. Consultants have been engaged to assist with the necessary assessments and environmental approvals that are required as part of this process. 

March 2021

*Please note that project information below is now outdated (Updated: January 2023)*

Thank you to everyone who came along to our open days in Euchareena and Molong. We got some great feedback about the project and look forward to keeping the community informed as we progress over the coming months. 

If you have any concerns or want to talk further about the project with a member of the RES team please don't hesitate to contact the team via email at info@kerrscreek-windfarm.com.


The first Kerrs Creek Wind Farm newsletter has been released. It includes information about RES and the Kerrs Creek Wind Farm project.